Flexible education organisation

Students expect convenience and freedom of choice, to study what they want, in their own time, place and pace. As long as they study, but also in lifelong development. Institutions should offer flexibility where students ask for it, for instance making the education offer more flexible, facilitating student mobility and issuing digital certificates.
Hogeschool Leiden
Alexander Blanc

Alexander Blanc


Showing exam marks in a student app? Registering for a course at another institution? It can be done easily with the Open Education API. No wonder this API won the Golden API Award on 23 November. …


At Rotterdam University, students get credits for the knowledge they acquire, but how do you reward skills properly? The university uses edubadges to offer differentiation in this respect, so that students gain skills at the level that suits them and they can make these visible on their CVs.

Case study

SURF Communities


Onderwijslogistiek is het geheel van processen, systemen en informatiestromen die het mogelijk maakt dat het onderwijs van onderwijsinstellingen gestroomlijnd verloopt. Onderwijslogistiek bewaakt de samenhang tussen processen, systemen en informatiestromen in de gehele cyclus van onderwijsontwikkeling tot en met diplomering.